A Player in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the player refers to the controllable human character in the game. Players can choose to create a male or female avatar, and the game offers extensive customization options for both appearances and personalities. In New Horizons, players have the freedom to select their facial features, skin tone, hairstyle, and clothes independently of gender, allowing for greater representation and inclusivity.

Regarding the number of active players, while exact figures aren't available, it's evident that the game continues to maintain a substantial player base. As mentioned in a Reddit thread, members report frequent activity in various Animal Crossing communities, including daily posts, giveaways, and discussions. Additionally, the presence of lively and active NoFeeAC and Nookazon Discord servers suggests that the game is far from "dead" and that a significant number of players still engage with the game on a daily basis.

The game supports up to 8 players living on one island, with 4 players able to play together simultaneously on a single system in couch co-op mode. Players can also engage in multiplayer experiences online or via local wireless connections.

In summary, the player in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the playable human character, and while there are no precise statistics on the number of active players, the game's community engagement suggests that it remains popular and enjoyed by many.